domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

Monetizing Your Blog

Monetizing Your Blog

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If I could show you a way to make loads of money from your blog - would that be of interest to you? If you answered yes then let's start at the beginning.I found out I love to write by writing copy for travel brochures as part of my job. I dreamed of becoming a paid writer like "Jackie Collins" - this of course was a little too ambitious! A friend suggested I start by writing blogs. I discovered this fulfilled my needs beautifully! I then went a step further when the same fri...

blog, finance, make money online, making money online

Article Body:
If I could show you a way to make loads of money from your blog - would that be of interest to you? If you answered yes then let's start at the beginning.I found out I love to write by writing copy for travel brochures as part of my job. I dreamed of becoming a paid writer like "Jackie Collins" - this of course was a little too ambitious! A friend suggested I start by writing blogs. I discovered this fulfilled my needs beautifully! I then went a step further when the same friend suggested I should research making money from my blogs. As so much of my time was spent writing blogs this to me made sense. Having no idea how to do this, I went to my favourite ebook superstore Cbdeluxe, where there is always a wealth of information.

I discovered a way that I could make insane amounts of money from my blog without any extra work and in less than 30 days, I was making money! Blogging is a perfect way to make money as it is easy to set up and manage. Blogging doesn't require programming skills or web designing skills. Although I had some experience with blogging I was astounded how dumb I really was! Thank God I found this site. All the information you need to know on the "How to" of blogging for money is there and it was explained in easy to understand language that even I could comprehend.

I discovered many people were blogging for money and I wanted to be one step better than everyone else! I figured that if I started writing on my blog each day, I would soon have a blog that the search engines visited regularly and that would bring me large amounts of traffic. With thousands of visitors checking my blog each day and purchasing from my site imagine how much money that would be! It all seemed so simple and obvious, but I would have done it so wrong, had I not conducted my research first.

If I had never gone to the website I would still be doing it all wrong, like you are, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this! There is so much more to making money blogging than just writing your blog each day. Less is actually more if they attract traffic!. The quality of the content has to be attractive. The topic should be something you are passionate about enough to deeply research. If for instance you live, breathe and sleep cars, then write about cars! I just picked up so much information - I really had no idea at all. Other things I found out were, to monetize your blog you could put display ads on your site by signing up with Google or Yahoo etc, or affiliate programs which offer a publisher program. I can't tell you how informative this site was for me I'll let you find out for yourself. Go to it, it will help you to make heaps of cash from your blog.