lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

6 Tips For A Healthy Dinner Out


6 Tips For A Healthy Dinner Out

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Ever wonder how you can possibly lose weight when the average dinner out contains over 1,000 calories? Well, don't fret! Keeping yourself in shape when dining out is simply a matter of ordering the right menu.

Below are 6 tips for having a healthy dinner out (while still enjoying your meal like normal!):

- Watch Your Drinks – By not ordering an alcoholic beverage, you've saved yourself a considerable number of calories. Try sipping iced tea sweetened with a noncaloric s...

healthy diet,diet,lose weight,dinner out,healthy dinner out,eat out,eating out

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Ever wonder how you can possibly lose weight when the average dinner out contains over 1,000 calories? Well, don't fret! Keeping yourself in shape when dining out is simply a matter of ordering the right menu.

Below are 6 tips for having a healthy dinner out (while still enjoying your meal like normal!):

- Watch Your Drinks – By not ordering an alcoholic beverage, you've saved yourself a considerable number of calories. Try sipping iced tea sweetened with a noncaloric sweetener, a diet soft drink, or water with lemon. You'll be glad you did when you consider the calorie savings.

- Have A Salad – One of the best menus to have is salad. Not only will it fill you up so you'll consume fewer calories overall, but it will also give you a hefty dose of antioxidants which are heart healthy. Be sure to ask your waitress to hold the croutons and cheese which will further reduce your caloric load. Also, choose your dressing wisely. Avoid cream based dressings and go for the vinegar based ones. You also have the option of using vinegar and olive oil which is heart healthy.

- Don't Order An Appetizer Unless Necessary – Do you know that some appetizers have more calories and fat than the main course? Plus, many appetizers are fried and served with heavy sauces which will add to your intake of saturated fat as well as trans fats and calories. It's not a healthy way to start your meal.

 - Choose The Right Kind Of Foods - Go for broiled and grilled rather than fried. Not only will you save calories and fat grams, you'll also avoid trans fats which are so prevalent in fried foods. Instead, consider asking for a doubles order of vegetables with your entree. Very few Americans are getting the 7-9 servings of fruits and vegetables recommended for optimal health. Plus, by avoiding the starch, you'll be reducing your caloric and carbohydrate load. Also, stick to tomato based sauces rather than cream based and you'll enjoy a considerable calorie savings. Lastly, ask for the sauce to be served in a separate dish on the side so you can control the amount you eat.

- Don't Overeat - Today, many restaurants are serving larger quantities of food than in the past. If this is the case, put aside a portion of your entree at the beginning of the meal to take home with you. If you remove it from your plate before you start eating, you'll be less tempted to overeat.

- Say "No" To Sugary, Fatty Desserts - Instead, go for a low fat or low carbohydrate dessert selection such as a low carb cheesecake. These are wise choices for the health conscious eater and still allow you to end the meal on a sweet note. If a healthy dessert option isn't available, try a cup of coffee with skim milk to help satiate your desire for something sweet.

The next time you go out for dinner, keep the above tips in mind. You will be surprised how many calories you are able to slash out of your meal just by ordering the right menus! Happy healthy eating!

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domingo, 14 de agosto de 2011

Bounce Back From The Wintertime Blahs With A Three-Day Cleansing Diet


Bounce Back From The Wintertime Blahs With A Three-Day Cleansing Diet

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Wintertime leaves a lot of us feeling blah and washed out. Our skin gets dry and pale, our eyes can seem dull and lifeless – and let's not even get started with the foods we eat. Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas parties and New Year's Eve – all came with plenty of rich, decadent dishes and calorie-laden cocktails. It's no wonder that by the time spring arrives, we could really use a pick-me-up.

And those are just a few of the things a quick cleanse can remedy. Have you been ...

diet, detox, cleanse, beauty, rapid detox, rapid detox diet, detox diet

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Wintertime leaves a lot of us feeling blah and washed out. Our skin gets dry and pale, our eyes can seem dull and lifeless – and let's not even get started with the foods we eat. Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas parties and New Year's Eve – all came with plenty of rich, decadent dishes and calorie-laden cocktails. It's no wonder that by the time spring arrives, we could really use a pick-me-up.

And those are just a few of the things a quick cleanse can remedy. Have you been plagued by chronic constipation, allergies, sinusitis, or any other chronic aches and pains? If you're tired of relying on over-the-counter medications to make it through day to day life, there might just be an unexpected culprit – blockage(s) in your body's elimination system.

Basically, what this means is that you might be suffering from mucus and other wastes building up in your body's major routes of elimination:

• Your lungs
• Your pores
• Your kidneys, and
• Your bowels.

Getting rid of this waste build-up will better allow your body to get the most out of your regular diet – a bit like the performance difference you see between low- and high-octane fuel.

Important Things to Consider Before You Begin...

Of course, the three day cleansing diet isn't for everyone. Some people may be too weak or may suffer from conditions that make the cleansing diet too dangerous to undertake. For this reason, it's important to stress how vital it is to first consult with your doctor before you begin a new dietary regiment.

Also, I can't stress enough that this is a diet to help you cleanse your system out, not too help you lose weight. Misuse could be extremely hazardous to your health!

Now that we've covered the basics, let's delve on into the specifics of the cleansing diet.

The Diet in a Nutshell...

While you may come across several different variations of the 3 day cleansing diet, here are some of the things they'll all have in common:

• You'll have to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water each day
• When it comes to foods, be ready to restrict your diet to 5-6 servings of fruits and vegetables each day, preferably raw or steamed.
• In case you didn't get the hint, that means NO meat.
• If you do opt for breads or cereals (and you probably shouldn't), it's important that you only chose whole grains
• During this 72 hour period, it's important to avoid sugars, coffees, and sodas. If you're afraid you'll suffer from headaches from caffeine withdrawals, you might want to begin slowly reducing your coffee intake prior to the "fast."

The Cleansing Diet in Action...

While there are many different variations of the cleansing diet being touted by various different experts, most of them follow a pattern that looks something like this:

Day 1 – A complete food fast, water only
Day 2 – 5 or 6 servings of fruit and fruit juice only (water is still a must)
Day 3 – 5 or 6 servings of vegetables and veggie juice only (water is still a must)
Day 4 – Go back to your regular diet

Of course, variations do exist, and with a little research, you should have no trouble finding one suitable for your own unique needs. Three days later, a whole new, detoxified woman will be looking back at you in the mirror!


viernes, 12 de agosto de 2011

Workplace ergonomics & desk exercises are necessary to reduce the effect of the silent plague of the 21st Century - Repetitive Strain Injury


Workplace ergonomics & desk exercises are necessary to reduce the effect of the silent plague of the 21st Century - Repetitive Strain Injury

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Every second person I meet, since getting involved in office workplace ergonomics, readily shares with me his/her pains and aches. Although it has been recognized by many Western authorities as "a modern-time plague", there is a deep confusion as to what should be done and who should assume responsibility to reduce the suffering and the costs incurred by Repetitive Strain Injury. Workplace ergonomics, desk exercises & office stretches should be available to employees to reduce the recurrence of the more common symptoms of RSI such as lower & upper back pain, neck & shoulder pain & wrist pain.

Repetitive Strain Injury, workplace ergonomics, desk exercise, office stretches, lower and uper back pain, neck & shoulder pain, wrist pain, carpal tunnel relief

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Can a harmless mouse and keyboard inflict painful injuries?
Recently I was a guest at a lecture given by an ergonomic specialist for some 200 Investment Bankers and their staff at their headquarters. The speaker listed the most common computer injuries such as upper and lower back-pain, neck and shoulder pain, or painful wrists, and then turned towards his audience and asked how many have experienced one or more of those complaints. About a quarter of the bankers lifted their hands. A young participant stood up and said to the ergonomic specialist: "If you want the true answer you should phrase your question in a different way", she turned to her colleagues and asked: "Is there anyone in this room who did not suffer from one or more of those complaints?" No one raised a hand. Why did 75% of the bankers choose not to raise their hands if they all had experienced some form of computer injury?

Computer injuries are by definition to Repetitive Strain Injury – RSI. They are not accidents happening in split seconds, creating drama and drawing attention. They creep on us unaware and defenseless and when we become aware of a problem it often takes a long time to figure out the cause. Like bad habits, we tend to be ashamed of them: we feel it was so silly to have let such minor details like the distance of the mouse or keyboard from us develop into such major injuries through repetitiveness. Not knowing how to protect ourselves against RSI, or how to reverse a developing acute problem we postpone taking action until we have no other choice.

Computers and other gadgets are powerful instruments being operated for long hours by people who when reading the Users Guides will find nothing relating to the exposure to Repetitive Strain Injuries and to ways of avoiding those. Unlike medicines where counter-indications show up fast and often dramatically clearly indicating the cause, the slow and subversive nature of the RSI creates an absence of responsibility to the problem. The manufacturer sells the hardware and software and can not be held responsible for the use one makes of them. Employers often do not know of a problem and may not want to be bothered by such "trivial" problems like a distance between employees and their keyboards. External advisors are often asked not to put into their reports matters that may incur costs on the corporation and going to the gym is rarely regarded as a solution for a pain one has developed in the wrist. Physicians will treat the symptoms. They can not be expected to check every patient's work-station, or trace a shoulder problem all the way back to the use of a certain device.

The nature of the RSI problem and the size of it suggest that the only viable way to address it is to provide computer users (and other gizmo users) with an integral software/content accompanying product of both an ergonomic and protective training nature which is part of the package the user receives when buying/operating the device. Ergonomic instructions should be there for users to consult with, exercises should be available to call upon as training for protection, as training for pain relief and for injury reversal.

One unique solution to this problem has been developed by Desk-Trainer Ltd., a small company from San Rafael, CA and Tel-Aviv. Desk-Trainer has identified the need for an urgent solution/service to fill the void and created a software/content solution it offers as a subscription service over the web and in a corporate version. Their web-site offers advice for office workplace ergonomics as well as desk exercises, office stretches to protect against Repetitive Strain Injuries and to relieve computer injuries. Desk-Trainer is also adapting the content for PDAs and cellular to assist people on the move.
Individuals and corporations looking for ways to reduce the risk of RSI and increase employee productivity, should consider taking a proactive approach to the problem and investigate solutions such as Desk-Trainer as a way to reduce lost productivity and medical claims.



WSJ: Don't exercise??--retirement may be shorter but still costly


WSJ: Don't exercise??--retirement may be shorter but still costly

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We are in fitness business and wants to provide information about fitness.

home exercise equipment,fitness and health products, best exercise equipment,weight lifting exercises

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Jonathan Clements writes the very popular "Getting Going" column for the WSJ that covers all sorts of personal finance issues including retirement,  financial planning, saving, investments, and  spending patterns among many others.  It's a basic "how to" column on managing your finances.  He is a most practical and sensible writer and widely read. 
He doesn't venture into the health and fitness arena that often but when he does he brings his normal no nonsense approach to the issues and is direct and blunt about the realities of how your lifestyle, fitness level and health will affect your finances in retirement.  Essentially, he saying that those that exercise and maintain good health are going to have a longer retirement and need to plan their retirement savings accordingly. 

However, those that don't practice good health routines may not live as long but their retirement may be just as costly because of their additional health and long term care costs.

Money quote:
"Yes, if your family history and your own health suggest you will live to a ripe old age, you should save enough to carry yourself through 25 or 30 years of retirement, and maybe more.
But if you are overweight, never exercise or smoke a pack a day, you could still need a fair amount saved for retirement. True, your retirement may be relatively short.

But it could prove mighty expensive. There's an increased risk you will suffer a debilitating illness or struggle with your mobility, and thus you may get hit with long-term-care costs -- possibly the biggest expense that retirees face."


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jueves, 11 de agosto de 2011

Phentermine Makes your Weight Loss Faster


Phentermine Makes your Weight Loss Faster

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No pill or medical procedure is better than regular exercises and a controlled diet regimen to lose weight. Phentermine is a pill which augments the process of exercises and the controlled diet program to show the effects faster in your aim for weight loss.

Phentermine, Xenical, Acomplia, Weight loss drug, Phentermine diet pills

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"I belief you have put on some weight than the last time I saw you?" is this the question your childhood buddy told you? If you encounter this sort of question then it is time to seek medical attention for your health. Obesity is a disease which is expanding through out the world. Human race could even get eliminated because of this increasing menace.

There is no certain theory on how obesity originates but there are scores of ways how one can get out of it. Popular amongst them are exercises, limited diet program, surgery, liposuction, diet pills and other not so popular ways like acupuncture and acupressure. Exercises and restricted diet program are the age old natural way to lose weight. But the process is time consuming. Surgery and liposuction can be a good way for immediate relief but need re-operations which means it is costly process. So, the best way to get weight loss is the introduction of weight loss diet pills like Phentermine to get over obesity.

Phentermine hydrochloride is a short-term anti obesity drug which has been in use since 1959. The diet pill must be used simultaneously with physical activities and controlled diet program. Phentermine diet pill stimulates central nervous system, increases blood pressure and heart rate and all of these in turn help in decreasing appetite.

Apart from greater extent of appetite other factors such as lack of physical activity, laziness and hereditary factors too can be the reason behind your obesity. To get rid of obesity Phentermine works on suppressing appetite of an individual only. The correct dose for it is to be determined by the doctor whom you must consult to have the drug.

Side effects of Phentermine are insomnia, dry mouth, upset stomach, constipation, blurred vision which may occur for during the initial period but the side effects would cease once your body adjusts to the pill. Precautions like telling your personal medical history to your doctor should be followed. Extra precaution should be taken by pregnant or breast feeding women and children in prescribing Phentermine.

Phentermine in reality cannot put a stop to weight gain but it rather helps a person to lose appetite. Losing appetite is important for an obese person to lose weight. The truth is that there is no other medicine as effective as exercises and a controlled diet program. Phentermine is a pill to make the process complete faster and not a substitute for both of them.


Phentermine is Answering Obesity for Decades


Phentermine is Answering Obesity for Decades

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Like an age old therapy Phentermine is being used in treating obesity. Obesity may lead to other diseases like heart ailments, diabetes and paralysis etc. But Phentermine like other diet pills also require you to have regular physical activity and a controlled diet program.

Acomplia, Weight loss drug, weight loss pills, Acomplia (Rimonabant)

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Obesity can be caused by excess food intake, excess sleep, lack of physical work or it may be a hereditary problem. There are tons of ways to get past it. Prominent amongst them are – surgery, liposuction, exercises, controlled food intake and diet pills. Surgery and liposuction are painful, short-term and costly affair plus the results are not same for every individual. Weight loss with exercise and controlled food regimen is natural but time consuming. Diet pills can have short term side effects and are not for long-term use.

So, the best way to run over obesity is the combination of diet pills with exercises and restricted food program. Phentermine is such a diet pill which has been in use for treating obesity for short-term since 1959. Phentermine Hydrochloride is a sympathomimetic amine which is prescribed to lower appetite in an obese individual. Till 1997 a cocktail of Phentermine with Fenfluramine known as Fen-Phen was in use to treat obesity. But in 1997 due to reports of pulmonary hypertension and heart valve diseases reported by its users, Fenfluramine was banned in US market but Phentermine was not. Then a new combination of Phentermine with Prozac known as Phen-Pro came into picture.

These cocktails were necessary as over a period of time, effect of Phentermine goes on diminishing and the other constituent in these cocktails were used to prolong its effect. FDA has not approved the cocktail but the drugs have FDA approval individually so it is up to a doctor to decide whether one should have the cocktail or not.

Side effects like sleeplessness, blurred vision, dry mouth, stomach upset, irritability, and constipation may be visible for the first few days after taking Phentermine. But these side effects are for short term and are mild. Phentermine may also elevate heart rate and blood pressure.

However, before going for this drug one should always consult a doctor. A person with heart disease, asthma, blood pressure, allergy or diabetes must tell his doctor about his health history. Children, pregnant women and breast feeding women should consult doctor if they are to use Phentermine.

For more than five decades Phentermine has been in use and many obese persons have benefited from it. But use of it without exercise and controlled diet has been futile for reducing weight.


Phentermine is an Absolute Diet Medication to Overcome Obesity


Phentermine is an Absolute Diet Medication to Overcome Obesity

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Phentermine as diet pills are well tolerated and are better option for treating obesity problems. A dose a day for 8-12 weeks can show the difference. Dieticians recommend it to use Phentermine diet pills with a controlled diet and a bit of daily exercise. Speak to your doctor if Phentermine is not working properly.

Phentermine, online phentermine, phentermine diet pills, cheap phentermine diet pills, weight loss pills

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The reason for epidemics like obesity is mainly due to our own mistakes. Lack of exercise and improper eating habits can make our life hell. Obesity is directly associated with heart diseases, chronic kidney diseases and also diabetes. These health factors are so grim that they can be fatal at times. If you think you deserve a health that gives you happiness rather than depression, pain and disease you have to maintain a balance diet with some physical exercise daily.

Talking about balanced diet it doesn't mean what we eat daily. Today's medical science advice to an obsessed patient is somewhat different. It advices an obese individual to take a diet pill along with the exercises and a controlled diet. These diet pills are short term solution to get rid of obesity and should not be taken for long. But these pills show you the way to remove obesity and in most cases permanently.

Phentermine is such a short term obesity removal diet pill. Phentermine diet pills are an attempt to stem the tide of obesity in a more natural and safe way. FDA trails approved it as an effective anti obesity drug. It helps to kill your appetite in a natural way and increases our metabolism to burn more calories. Phentermine diet pills stimulate our central nervous system and increases our heart beat and blood pressure, thus invariably decreasing our appetite.

Phentermine diet pills are effective short term supplement with your controlled diet and exercise in the treatment of obesity. It is safe and mild for our body. No serious reports of overdose have been recorded till now expect some mild side affects after its usage. Dry mouth, insomnia, headache, dizziness and sweating are some of its side affect that tend to cease as the body adopts it.

At times Phentermine diet pills are habit forming. So better consult a doctor before its usage. More over a doctor is the only one that can recommend right dose for the right individual depending on your obesity problem.